Patient safety
Sam Mauger: Improving diagnosis for patient safety
The RCP patient and carer network Chair reflects on World Patient Safety day focus Improving diagnosis for patient safety.
NCEPOD and patient safety initiatives
The National Confidential Enquiry Into Patient Outcomes and Deaths (NCEPOD) describe their work and reports.
Introducing HSSIB
The Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB) team introduce the organisation’s role and provide insights into their work.
Innovations in learning from patient safety incidents
This webinar highlights patient safety initiatives across the country that promote learning.
Incident investigations and human factors
Our expert panel explore what PSIRF is and how investigations have changed.
Time critical medications
Our panel share a scenario describing a patient journey from admission, taking you through the patient’s evolving clinical journey.
Urgent and emergency care
Workforce is the main limiting factor in the NHS England’s national approach to 2023/24 winter planning. The RCP believes hospitals can maximise their impact through four evidence based interventions.
Outpatient care strategy
The RCP and NHS England’s Outpatient Recovery and Transformation Programme are setting out new ambitions for outpatient care and the actions we need to take to deliver real change.
Parkinson's UK: New time critical medications resources
3 new resources have been launched by the Parkinson’s Excellence Network to support UK healthcare professionals in hospitals to improve the delivery of time critical medication for people with Parkinson’s.
FHJ Debate
Generalist skills: for the many or the few?
Did you know that FHJ has launched a new article type called “Debate” for which readers can vote?
What do you think? Have your vote before 15 September.
The End-of-life Care for All programme
Th e-ELCA elearning library offers over 180 highly interactive sessions.
Raising awareness and ensuring safety: A conversation with Dr Nasreen Khan
Improving Quality in Allergy Services (IQAS) is discussing all things accreditation and allergy in this edition’s blog for World Allergy Week.
Shaping the future of AI in healthcare: RCR and NHS Global Conference
The RCP is proud to partner with the RCR and NHS for the 1st Global AI Conference in 2025 to share clinical expertise and best practice and discuss the latest cutting-edge developments in this rapidly moving area of healthcare.
Book now