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Accessible infographic - Talking about uncertain recovery

This is a text based version of the infographic found on Uncertain recovery communication guide

Title: "Talking about uncertain recovery: How to begin honest conversations about treatment in the urgent care setting."


Main Sections:
1. Communication Tips (Top row with icons):
  • Simple language: Use straightforward and clear language.
  • Be curious and find out what matters to the person: Understand the patient's concerns and priorities.
  • Allow space for emotion: Give the patient room to express their feelings.


2. Introduction Section:
  • Example introduction: "Hello, my name is Grace, I’m one of the doctors looking after you. What would you like me to call you?"
  • Frame the conversation: "I’d like to talk about how you’re doing and what to expect from treatment."
  • Ask permission: "Is that OK? Would you like someone with you?"
  • Check understanding: "Can you tell me what you know about your condition?"


3. Helpful Concepts Section (Labelled in yellow background):
  • Reframe understanding: Example: "I see you’ve had several admissions in recent months, your heart is getting weaker and you’ve been needing more help from your family too."
  • Share uncertainty: Example: "I hope you respond to this treatment but I’m worried because you’re very unwell. Some medical problems can’t be reversed and there’s a chance your body won’t recover from this illness."
  • Clarify goals of treatment: Example: "I want to reassure you that we’ll keep giving you any treatments that help and make you feel better. However, we don’t want to give you treatments that won’t help or could make things worse."


4. Pause and Listen Section:
  • "It can be hard to talk about this…"
  • "Do you have any questions?"


5. Close and Next Steps Section:
  • "I’m going to record our conversation in the notes to share it with the wider team."

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