Medical Care - driving change guide to quality improvement
The Medical care - driving change improvement guide has been created from a combination of expert opinion, review of the literature and the author’s and contributors’ own experiences.
It explores the quality improvement (QI) journey, using the Model for Improvement – a QI approach commonly used in healthcare. There are many other QI approaches available, however, and this guide can be used alongside whichever you and your organisation prefer. This guide has been structured in a logical order to support the delivery of your project and we have hand-picked the QI tools we think will be most helpful.
It is important to fully understand the system you are working within, diagnose any problems and identify the impact of potential improvements before trying to make any changes. This guide takes you through this journey from beginning to end. By the end of this guide, you and your project team should be able to describe your system, have defined some key local issues and have a plan to implement improvements and monitor their effects.
It is key that representatives from related health and social care sectors are included in your project, to ensure the whole process is understood and that these stakeholders can support and ‘own’ the development of successful interventions.
Further resources