Dr Arabella Chapman
Junior Doctor Support and Patient Safety Fellow, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust. Arabella is an Anaesthetic trainee with a particular interest in patient safety and medical education.
Dr Thomas Jacob Davies
Postgraduate Medical Education Fellow, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust. Jacob completed Internal Medical Training (IMT3) in August 2023, and his interests include respiratory medicine as well as medical education.
Dr Jonny Acheson
Jonny has been an emergency medicine consultant in Leicester since 2009. His postgraduate emergency medicine education work from 2012-2015 was recognised nationally with an HSJ award in 2016 and he was appointed as an Honorary Associate Professor in Medical Education the same year. Diagnosed himself with Parkinson’s in 2016, Jonny is now the director of engagement at Parkinson’s UK.
Emma Kirk
Emma works for NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service and is the Medication Safety Officer (MSO) network lead providing support and expert medication safety advice to MSOs across England. She works closely with NHS England, the MedSIP team and MHRA supporting the national medication safety agenda. She is the MSO in a large district general hospital ensuring that local and national learning is shared across the organisation and local healthcare system. Earlier in her career she was a resident pharmacist in a large London teaching hospital and has rotated through multiple clinical specialities with many years in paediatrics. She considers herself a medication safety activist.
Sheridan Court
Sheridan Court is the clinical lead pharmacist for older people services at Morriston Hospital, Swansea Bay UHB. She is the specialist pharmacist on the TCM advisory group at Parkinsons UK and is part of the national ‘get it on time’ group.