Dr Anne Kinderlerer, chief of medicine at Kingston.
Anne also leads the implementation of the RCP Digital Strategy within the Care Quality and Improvement Directorate, leading the conversation around the involvement of physicians with digital technology, designing the college support to members and fellows to use and improve systems.
Dr Ben Owens, emergency medicine consultant at Sherwood Forest Hospitals.
Ben trained in Sheffield, Sydney Australia, and Nottingham. He has been involved in medical leadership for over 10 years at the trust as Head of service for Emergency Medicine, Major Trauma Lead, Patient Flow lead, Divisional lead for Medicine and Clinical Chair for the Urgent and Emergency Care Division.
Dr Ragit Varia, acute medicine consultant and SDEC lead at Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Trust.
Ragit’s interests include Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC), Service and Quality Improvement, Oncology and Informatics. He also has a role with Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) as Acute Kidney Injury focus area lead.