Professor Tony Avery
GP and national clinical director for prescribing, NHS England
Tony is a GP, a professor of primary health care at the University of Nottingham and an NIHR senior investigator. He is also NHS England’s national clinical director for prescribing.
At Nottingham, he and his team developed the pharmacist-led information technology intervention for medication errors – or PINCER - project to tackle hazardous prescribing which was rolled out nationally.
His role as the national clinical director for prescribing is to ensure the prescribing of medicines reflects the needs of the population, improving health outcomes and preventing waste.
Professor Joanne Reeve
GP and professor of primary care research, University of Hull
Joanne is an academic GP and a professor of primary care research and works to build the profile and impact of primary care locally, nationally, and internationally.
Joanne has developed a portfolio of work on the redesign of primary care based on the principles of whole person medical care. She established the Academy of Primary Care at Hull York Medical School which champions innovative scholarship driving excellence in primary care provision.
Dr Lawrence Brad
GP and prescribing lead
Lawrence is a partner and GP prescribing lead at a large practice in Bournemouth. He is an RCGP fellow, representing clinical pharmacists. He is also a clinical teaching fellow at the pharmacy and pharmacology school at the University of Bath.
Dr Ka Ng
Orthogeriatrician, Swansea