Improvement tools & techniques

The Targeted Lung Health Check
The TLHC programme aims to find lung cancer early, sometimes before symptoms present.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland: What matters to you?
Asking “What matters to you?” is about understanding what matters to an individual in their life.

Getting to grips with model for improvement
This video introduces the model for improvement method you can undertake when starting your QI project.

Fishbone diagram- a useful QI tool
This video explains a useful tool that can be used in your QI project.

Driving change through plan-do-study-act cycles
This video will introduce you to the plan-do-study-act cyles, and understand the importance of starting small.

Behind the paper: Health changing conversations: clinicians’ experience of health coaching in the East of England
Dr Penny Newman talks with our Editor-in-chief Dan Smith about her Future Healthcare Journal paper Health changing conversations.

A stepwise approach to your quality improvement
This video looks at how you might structure a quality improvement project and introduces you to the steps that underpin our approach to improvement work.

A patient voice: health coaching
Lynne Quinney, Aisha Shah and Ruth Harvey share their healthcare quality improvement journey and driving change as part of a clinical team.